Read Time:1:19
Word Count: 361 I'm sure if pressed you could come up with a laundry list of what is not going the best. Heck, at any given moment many of us can. However, what if instead we changed our view? What can be accomplished? What can be overcome? I think a lot. What could happen if instead of praying, wishing and hoping for a lighter load, we prayed for a stronger back? Perhaps we'd confirm that we can do more than we gave ourselves credit for. Or maybe we could experience a few suddenlies that work out a stubborn challenge or two. We may even experience a miracle. The possibilities are endless. The mindset of praying for a lighter load is limited. It's actually confining. It means that one has a movie in their mind that is already casted and scripted out. It also means that the solution is finite. Why would we want to participate in that? I'll admit it is tempting. However, if I think of resisting that temptation my creative thinking has a space to expand and thrive in. I've just manufactured a safe harbor for solutions. Think about it. Remember a time when you thought there was no way through, around, over or under a challenge? Guess what? You got through it, around it, over or under it. How do I know that? Because you're still here reading this unorthodox word today. Regardless of where you find yourself recognize that the muscles (pun intended) you build by going through, around, over or under whatever you're facing right now are precisely what you need for the next chapter in this journey we call life. I don't know about you, but that gives me hope. I'll leave you with this thought that I have on an internal loop. It has made me get up one more time when I thought I had no more left: What brought you here, won't take you there. I've thought about this countless times. It has encouraged me. Chastised me. Haunted me. It's definitely challenged me. I now challenge you. Don't pray for a lighter load, pray for a stronger back. Until next week! Stay Blessed, Jacqui Dobens
Word Count: 276
Read Time: 1:03 This is a PSA announcing the new 988 Hotline that was unveiled on July 15, 2022. Verywell Health published an article sharing the features of this resource. On an almost daily basis we are hearing and reading about people feeling hopeless and helpless. Admittedly, this can be deemed as a very sensitive topic. I'm broaching it because FIATM is known to address needs. This is no exception. Here is the article link for your reference:
I personally hope that at some point the stigma and shame attached to emotional and mental challenges admittance will decrease. As a society there should be unwavering support for someone that goes beyond recognizing the need for help. The act of courage to seek it out and follow through is admirable. Again, in my opinion. Consider that when there is a fire or physical health emergency we reflexively know to dial 911. Unfortunately, until now we have not had an easy to remember resource in the event of a mental emergency. So, if you or someone you know is in need of assistance share the 988 hotline with them. Until next week, Jacqui Dobens Recently I read the best definition distinctions between knowledge and wisdom. It said knowledge is making the right choice with all the information. Wisdom is making the right choice without all the information. So what does this have to do with FIATM? Glad you asked. Many times we are faced with tremendous, heart tugging, tear jerker needs. Of course we want to say yes to each request. However, we must be vigilant and responsible in prioritizing our next best steps. I like to say, "What brought you here won't take you there". In other words, the mindsets, practices and protocols that were acceptable yesterday simply won't fit with where we're heading today and tomorrow. FIATM is at an exciting crossroads that I wish I could share with you. With excitement comes deep soul searching, digging and mining for resources, tools and ingenuity that will carry us to the next place of responsibility. Keep in mind that responsibility is responding to the ability within. It is encumbent upon each of us to respond to the ability within from peak to peak. I'm not by any means suggesting that this is easy. It's simply a requirement. One of the best ways that I know to do this is to delve into biographies and autobiographies. Recently my best friend offhandedly lamented about an impending and daunting idea of starting over. Secretly I understood full on what was being shared with me. However, for the purpose of the big picture I knew I had to politely disagree with the train of thought and revisit my inner possibility meter. I instantly thought of Colonel Sanders. Yes! KFC Colonel Sanders. He was mired down with many failures throughout his life. His resiliency paid off. In his 60's while on social security he successfully sold his first franchise. Now, he lived to be 90 and worked up until 30 days before he left this earth plane. Imagine that. It's proof positive that if we gather all the information we can which we've learned is knowledge we are well equipped. On the opposite side sometimes it's blind faith that things work out without all the information. I also consider that grace.
Wherever you find yourself I encourage you to search for info and then make the best decision for yourself. Who knows. You may live to be 90 and have people all over the globe remembering you for your willingness to go for it! Until next week, Jacqui:~) Yes!!! You read the title correctly: FIATM provides Childhood Insurance. What is Childhood Insurance? In haste you may have misread and thought that FIATM is offering insurance on your child. No. However, if you are looking for insurance on your child we can make an introduction on your behalf. What we offer is Childhood Insurance. In the news in an alarming rate you hear and read about the loss of innocence of our youth. When did this happen? When did this become okay? Not sure. I never thought it would become necessary to reminisce about days gone by and compare them to this present day. I thought that is what old people do sitting on a rocking chair on a creaky wooden porch. I thought this is what “Old Man Williams” used to do when he would chase us from his home for fear we’d step on his lawn. Or Mr. Smitty when he would grouse about the length of our skirts as young ladies. All of these things were happening because 1) you actually knew your neighbors 2) elders felt compelled to provide words of wisdom and correction (and your parents appreciated it) and 3) this was happening during a time where many children walked around with a string around their necks to hold the key to their home. This generation was referred to as ‘Latch-Key” kids.
We are also the generation that respected the street lights, knew that if our parents beckoned us home by using our first, middle and last name we were in trouble, were members of afterschool programs and lived by the “it takes a village” motto. Now, fast forward to today where 8 and 9 year olds carry computers in their pockets, hang out at Starbucks, struggle with self image issues at an alarming rate, suffer with isolation and much more. We could consider this current epidemic as Childhood Lost. Here is where FIATM comes in! FIATM offers a safe haven for children to discuss issues, challenges and concerns. These opportunities occur at select school campuses weekly, through Sports activities, our ESTEAM program, free mentoring, tutoring and computer lab. This is how FIATM is providing childhood insurance. Remember the saying, “the idol mind is the devil’s workshop”? FIATM is committed to positively impacting communities, one family at a time. Feel comfortable considering helping us with your resources, talents and time. If you have specific questions, feel comfortable reaching out to me at: [email protected]. Until next week, Jacqui Dobens |
August 2022
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