![]() WORD COUNT: 493 READ TIME: 1:47 Years ago I remember my sister, Janet saying to me, "It doesn't take all that". I quickly quipped back that it takes that and then some. You, dear reader are getting a sneak peek into my psyche. You see, I've never been the type to run away from difficult, challenging or even the seemingly impossible. I'm a results oriented person. Results and the possibility of results gets me going. In deciding to make a difference, all it takes is all it takes. While I realize that F.I.A.T.M. makes it look easy mentoring our youth, encouraging creative expression to emerging talent, teaching life lessons through sports activities, closing the digital divide with ESTEAM and much more, it is not. An all it takes, is all it takes mentality is necessary. Now, admittedly, those words are not spoken. Instead they are performative especially during challenging times. There's an old saying, Grist to the mill. I know. I'm an old soul. It means something that is useful for a particular purpose or helps support someone's point of view. So, you see, the adoption of this mindset is critical in making a positive impact in the lives of our youth. In an attempt to share a little behind the scenes of F.I.A.T.M. I realize it takes a willingness to express our vulnerabilities. One of our most obvious is in the brand awareness department. Instead of simply stating a challenge, I'm going to go out on a limb and ask you for specific help. Here goes. Deep breath. Okay. It would help us out tremendously if you feel comfortable sharing a link of this blog to your friends, colleagues, peers, family and decision makers that have a heart towards our youth. We've already tried to simply put the work in hoping that we'll be discovered by decision makers, potential sponsors, potential mentors, school district introductions and much more. Guess what? It hasn't happened on a grand scale....yet. I can often be found sharing the principle that what brought you here won't take you there. Well, it's true. Now, while I'm in the asking mood, I have one more ask for you. I only want you to do this if you are comfortable. Ready? I am! We need introductions to individuals and/or organizations that are in search of wheels-on-the-ground youth and family based organizations to donate their financial resources, company talent pool, and participate in team building sessions. If you are or you know of someone feel comfortable sending me an email:[email protected]. Until next week, Jacqui:~) Byline: Jacqui Dobens is known as being the person you want in the foxhole with you because of the challenges she's overcome. She is known to stay calm in moments of chaos. Almost immediately after recognizing the moment has passed she will find something humorous in it. Her thought being that man is most funny when they are able to laugh at themselves and not take themselves too seriously.
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